
Professional retriever training with affordable pricing.

Field Trial Program – $950 per month. Well bred retrievers are born for a purpose!! Let them reach their full potential. Seeing dogs fulfill the purpose for which they were created is a fun and rewarding experience.  Dream big dreams for your dog and let them compete with our field trial team!

Hunting Programs – $1,200 per month (4 weeks). Family companion hunting dog program. Training fees are paid at the beginning of each month. **Labs over 1 year old are charged $100 more per month. Dogs that are something other than a black, yellow or chocolate Labrador are charged $100 more per month for the Basic Hunter program. You supply whatever food you want your dog to eat. We do not require your dog to switch to our food. We can provide our food for $50 a month.

Obedience Only Program – Our 6 week Obedience Only program costs $2,800. Clients can pay two payments of $1400. More info on our Obedience Training page. Click here.


Obedience Only Program – 6 Weeks

**All hunting programs already include the obedience program. If you are doing a hunting program, it has the Obedience Program built into it.**

Basic Hunter Program: 4 to 5 months (16-20 weeks) 90% of well bred labs will finish in 4 months (16 weeks). **Pointers and various types of Doodles usually take 6 months to complete the entry level Basic Hunter program. Expect 6 months if you have a pointer or doodle.

Senior Hunter Program – an additional 16-24 weeks (4 to 6 months)

Mast Hunter Program – an additional 24-48 weeks (6 to 12 months)

Field Trial Program: The length is determined by the talent level of the dog. The first level of competition is called the Derby. It’s for dogs under 2 years of age. After the Derby is the Qualifying. This is where you earn your QA2 Title.  From there dogs move on to the big leagues, the Open. This division is where you earn your Field Champion title and get to compete for the National Retriever Championship.  1 dog each year is crowed the National Field Champion (NFC). This title is the pinnacle of retriever competitions.

**More info about the National Retriever Championship can be found here: 

We recommend everyone subscribe to The Retriever News to learn more about the exciting world of AKC Retriever Field Trials. Subscribe here! Maybe your dog can be on the cover one day!!